A few changes have been rolled out, particularly addition of the next step of custom events.
Custom Event Postbacks
  • You can now set individual postbacks or custom scenario settings per custom event, in your traffic source settings
Conversion Time Overrides
  • You can now add
    to postbacks to override the conversion time of the event
  • These timestamps are ideally unixtimestamp formats but a few others are supported
  • If the timestamp is invalid or before hit time, time will default to the hit's time.
  • If the timestamp is in the future, it will default to current time instead
  • You can also provide
    in JS and API-based conversion uploads, though we have not yet updated the API docs or added this to the UI yet, as we will need to make the UI for uploads a bit easier with so many pieces of data now possible
  • We have adjusted JS tracking to ignore deleted nodes when first attempting to attribute a view, where no explict node/pages hage been provided. This should reduce issues with funnel navigation where the JS has to guess, based on URL or page ID, what node the user is visiting
  • We found an issue where tokens used in domain hostnames could cause
    responses that specifically affected Safari and have improved URL handling
Ongoing issues
  • We are still investigating issues that cause reporting caching to give odd results, e.g. new assets disappearing temporarily or IDs showing instead of names. Ultimately we will resolve this with a larger task of migrating to a new assets database.